Software for the computation of bearing capacity on loose or rocky soils under drained or undrained conditions, even in seismic state. Foundation bearing capacity is calculated with the classical approach of safety factor and ultimate limit states. Computation methods: •Terzaghi •Meyerhof •Hansen •Vesic •Brinch-Hansen •EC2 •Richards et. all. •Shikhiev & Jakovlev •Zienkiewicz •EN 1997 with possibility to choose the partial factors in base of national annexes and choice of computation approaches Settlement analysis: •Timoshenko and Goodier •Oedometric settlements •Schmertmann •Burland and Burbidge •Post seismic settlements •Settlements over time, using the primary consolidation index and the secondary compression index •3D settlements for foundation spatial analysis NSPT correlation with geotechnical parameters according to: •Meyerhof •Sanglerat and Peck •Hanson •Thorburn Diagrams and graphics: •Pressure bulbs •Failure wedges (even for foundation interference) •Bearing capacity function of foundation geometry and geotechnical parameters Liquefaction verification according to Seed and Idriss Detailed computation report exportable in *.doc, *.docx, *.pdf formats and export of graphics in *.dxf, *.pdf and *.bmp formats with print preview or direct print options.

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